Real Training from Real Experience
Professional training, emergency planning and simulation -- serving Durham Region and beyond with experience and quality

Andre Robichaud
Lead Instructor (Wilderness Programs)
Andre has 30 years of experience instructing. He has taught survival training, map & compass, escape & evasion training, and fieldcraft for the Canadian Armed Forces. He is certified by the Canadian Red Cross as an Instructor for First Aid & CPR.
He is a full-time consultant and trainer for the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association and has been a member, leader, and trainer for Scouts Canada continuously since 1971.
He is also certified as an instructor through the Emergency Care & Safety Institute and the Canadian Red Cross. He is well known for his Wilderness First Aid courses.
A retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces; he taught at the BAttle School, and when he was not there he fired really big guns.

On 15 July 2012 at approximately 4:00 pm, Andre was on duty with 5 other Medical Ventures, providing first aid at the Whitby RibFest.
Lightning struck the main tent resulting in much chaos and 17 people being injured.
Andre, and the other Medical Venturers, started to triage and treat those injured until the Region of Durham Paramedics could arrive and take over.
For their actions, all six present were awarded Scouts Canada's Medal of Bravery.
This picture is from the awards ceremony.
You can contact Andre by calling our office @ 905-404-3639